Beyond Paris: emergency imperatives for global policy and local action
New article publication
Sustainable Earth Reviews,Vol. 8, article number 2, (2025)
by Prof. Peter Droege
International climate negotiations have not achieved their objectives of halting or even slowing global heating. Current developments in deglaciation, temperature rise and ocean acidification exceed the projected trajectories, taking much of the scientific community by surprise. The policy and action frameworks established to confront the challenge do not match its enormity, nor the speed in which it unfolds.
It is time to recognize that the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement aim of limiting heating by the year 2100 to 2.0, and ideally 1.5 °C above pre-industrial temperature levels cannot be met under current dynamics. Global temperatures have passed the 1.5 °C threshold in 2023—and continue beyond it since, at an accelerating rate, and without significantly effective corrective action. This article outlines reasons for this, and ten key policy directions for moving forward. These are founded on the recognition that not individual, narrowly conceived efforts promise success, but only a combination of mutually reinforcing measures can help the recovery of a healthy biosphere. It promises to halt further decline and arrive at climate stabilization. Only a healthy biosphere is capable of stabilizing the global climate. All we can do—and everything we must do—is assist the process of regenerating and safeguarding this capacity.

System Change Now: Climate, Nature, Technology and Money.
World Systemic Forum Feature 2025
Watch as LISD hosts the inaugural WSF Feature 2025 at the University of Liechtenstein

System Change Now: Climate, Nature, Technology and Money.
World Systemic Forum Feature 2025
Friday, 17.01.2025,
13.30 – 16.30 CET
University Liechtenstein
‘What systemic changes are needed in the economic, monetary and financial system to reverse the negative developments of the last 50 years for the environment and climate stability over the next 50 years? The question is not academic: while measures are in principle of a project nature, the fundamental existential dynamic that needs to be halted and reversed is of a decidedly systemic nature. Is the monetary system even capable of this?
In order to explore these questions and articulate principles for a more systemically sustainable monetary and financial system, a group of experienced minds from related fields are coming together at the University of Liechtenstein for a public roundtable. It is one of the roundtables that will be held in the run-up to the World Systemic Forum of Rudi Hilti’s System Change Foundation on January 18, 2025. It is actively supported by Prof. Peter Droege, who says: “Sustainability Finance, i.e. using money in a regenerative and climate-stabilizing way, should be called SDG Zero: fundamental financial system dynamics drive environmental change. Yet this is not one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Net-negative by 2050 is feasible
We have long called for abandoning ‘Net-zero by 2050’ as a dangerously false goal. Fortescue Metals Group and its Chair Andrew Forrest are to be applauded and followed – for having the clarity of view and plan, readiness and action to call global climate neutrality and net-zero targets by 2050 a ‘proven fantasy’ – and to promote absolute zero emissions globally by 2040 instead. Fortescue, the world fourth largest mining company is determined to be 100% fossil-fuel free by 2030. This implies that our global goal of being net-negative by 2050 is now seen as feasible by the successful leader of one of the world’s hardest-to-abate industrial sectors.
Fortescue 6MW EV charger
Fortescue Zero & Downer Battery Electric Locomotive
We do not hold any interest or stake in Fortescue Metals Group.

University of Sierra Leone joins REED Scholarship
LISD is pleased to announce the University of Sierra Leone’s participation in the Liechtenstein REED Scholarship program. To learn more about Master of Philosophy in Energy Studies – Renewables at USL, click here.

Invitation to the Global Maritime Accord – Academy 5th Webinar
Event: 8 June 2024
EST 0800, BST 1300, CET 1400, IST 1730, AEST 2200
Invitation to the 5th Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
Join us for Topic 5: Save the Oceans for a Safe Earth – World Ocean Day
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Event details & registration
Global Maritime Accord Academy – Current Webinars

Prof Droege Calls for Action: Regenerative Earth Decade
In support of Earth Day, observed today for the 54th year, Professor Peter Droege calls for the acceleration of the Regenerative Earth Decade (RED) Program and its climate action agenda formulated by him in 2020, and updated for today’s release.
Read more about Regenerative Earth Decade – Ten Points for Climate Stabilization

Prof Droege/LISD with British Open University stages 3rd Intelligent Environments Webinar
Transport in Intelligent Environments – The end of the tram as we know it?
25th April, 14.00-15.00 GMT
In this webinar we will discuss how transport is being reconfigured by emerging technologies and intelligent environments. Bus Rapid Transit and Trackless Trams are interrogated in the context of transitions to Net Zero, attending to the technical and institutional challenges associated with their introduction.
· Peter Droege, Director of the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development.
· Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University , AO Order of Australia.
· James Warren, Senior lecturer in the School of Engineering and Innovation.
For information and registration, click here.

Lecture at the 2024 International 100% Renewable Energy Conference
18 April at 10.30 Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
Prof. Droege speaks at the International 100% Renewable Energy Conference in Istanbul, on the topic:
100 % Renewable is Not Enough
For more information and program

Prof. Droege presents lecture at Sai University
17 April at 1845 Indian Standard Time
Prof. Peter Droege presents lecture at Chennai’s prestigious Sai University, in the Global Challenges colloquium at the School of Arts & Sciences, School of Computing & Data Science and School of Law, on the topic:
Fast Forward To Extinction?:
How it may just still be possible to survive our own success

LISD-Silesian Botanical Garden Partnership Project Conference
Final Conference from 10 to 12 April 2024
Mikołów for Climate –
implementation of investments in the field of Blue and Green infrastructure in the city
Funded under the EEA Iceland Liechtenstein Norway Grants
Project Website
Conference Website & Program

Invitation to the Global Maritime Accord – Academy 4th Webinar
Event: 24 January 2024
PST 0800, EST 1100, BST 1600, CET 1700, IST 2130, AEST 0300 (+1)
Invitation to the 4th Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
Join us for Topic 4: Climate Engineering and the Ocean
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Event details & registration

Invitation to the Global Maritime Accord – Academy 3rd Webinar
Event: 26 October 2023
PST 0800, EST 1100, BST 1600, CET 1700, IST 2030, AEST 0200
Invitation to the 3rd Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
Join us for Topic 3: Deep-Ocean Stewardship: Avoiding the Dangers of Seabed Mining
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Event details & registration

Prof Droege speaks at UDIA CitiLab23
Prof. Peter Droege is keynote speaker at the inaugural UDIA CitiLab23: Cities within Cities Summit. The keynote presentation is entitled ‘A global response to our changing climate and pathways to more cohesive communities, celebrated culture, and global competitiveness’, and will lead Session 1 – The Rise of Cities within Cities.
The UDIA Summit is an innovative initiative that brings together global and local experts who have shaped the very fabric of cities around the globe. Ideas will present ways on how cities have been transformed for future generations.
This year, the event provides professionals with the opportunity to attend the full day Summit on Thursday 24 August and the option to participate in industry workshops on Friday 25 August. There will be over 200 of the industry’s leading developers and professionals in attendance.
Click here for program and registration

Invitation to the Global Maritime Accord – Academy 2nd Webinar
Event: 28 July 2023
CET 1000 AM, IST 1430 PM, AEST 1800 PM
Invitation to the 2nd Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
Join us for Topic 2: UNCLOS or SOS? Can the law save our seas?
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Event details & registration

Prof Droege speaks at the GIS for a Sustainable World plenary
On 2 May 2023 Prof Droege speaks at Esri’s ‘Our Interconnected Future’ event about GIS as Global Commons, prospective GIS applications and present roles in crisis zones and the promise of the Global Climate Geodesign Challenge, a two-year, Esri supported project potentially involving more than 250 Universities and organisations worldwide pursuing climate relevant projects and gauging their global impact.
Our interconnected future
‘The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires urgent and collaborative action—across all geographies and sectors—to ensure that none are left behind in our interconnected world. Discover how a geographic approach to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides the insights needed to accelerate our collective impact.’
For more information:

Prof. Droege launches the Global Maritime Accord Academy
Event: 24 April 2023
PDT 0930 AM, EDT 1230 PM, UTC 1630/430 PM, CET 1830/630 PM, IST 2200/1000 PM
Invitation to the Webinar for Ocean and Climate Policy Innovators, Researchers and Media
The Global Maritime Accord (GMA) is the first integrated and coordinated approach towards the harmonized
administration and governance of the oceans, especially the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. The GMA Academy (GMAA) is the learning, teaching, research and exchange platform for drafting the GMA.
Event details & registration

LISD Partner of the Global Climate Geodesign Challenge
The International Geodesign Collaborative (IGC), together with LISD GmbH and Geodesignhub Pvt. Ltd. in partnership and sponsored by Esri Inc has launched the Global Climate Geodesign Challenge (GC2).
The GC2 aims to help global and local decision-makers make strategic climate-based decisions which create enormous long-term benefits for local communities and the world at large. The challenge will undertake climate-responsive spatial designs accommodating many participants, using negotiated collaborations for improved planning and decision-making.
The IGC is inviting local teams – university educators and students, professionals, and non-governmental organisations – to submit their proposals.
For more info:

New publication: Intelligent Environments Advanced Systems for a Healthy Planet
Intelligent Environments: Advanced Systems for a Healthy Planet, is the second volume of books edited by Peter Droege across the genre of digital innovation within cities, buildings and communities. This latest volume asks: how does civilization approach thinking systems, intelligent spatial models, design methods, and support structures designed for sustainability, in ways that could counteract challenges to terrestrial habitability?
This book examines a range of baseline and benchmark practices but also unusual and even sublime endeavors across regions, currencies, infrastructure, architecture, transactive electricity, geodesign, net-positive planning, remote work, integrated transport, and artificial intelligence in understanding the most immediate spatial setting: the human body.

New publication: Urban and Regional Agriculture: Building Resilient Food Systems
Urban and Regional Agriculture: Building Resilient Food Systems explores the sustainable integration of food provision, distribution and consumption through urban farms, agricultural systems, user communities and structural facilities designed to optimize food production and consumption. The book addresses the fundamental and pressing challenges of urban planning problems, waste minimization, food sourcing, access and equity issues, and multiple land use optimization. Sections cover the need and opportunities of urban agriculture, discuss tradition and transition, space and regulatory topics, explore the range of urban agriculture options (aquaculture to urban permaculture), discuss support structures and constructs of physically creating urban agricultural areas, and much more.

Prof. Droege speaks at the Crans Montana Forum
On 17 November 2022, Prof. Peter Droege will discuss the energy transition needed in Africa. This panel forms part of the Crans Montana Forum CMF High Level Panels based on the theme of ‘Reinventing Our World’s Social, Economic and Security Balance”
Crans Montana Forum, Geneva
November 16 to 19, 2022

Mikołów for Climate
The LISD EEA supported climate planning and design project M4C Mikołów for Climate has reached an important milestone with the successful completion of the project preparation phase, and a city-wide climate adaptation conference among the project partners and city officials. Professor Peter Droege of main project partner LISD visited the city and the greater Silesian metropolis for several days of meetings and visits. LISD’s partners are the Silesian Botanical Garden and the city government. The project commenced in 2022 and ends in early 2024.

Die Stadt der Zukunft: sozial – nachhaltig – smart
Prof Peter Droege spricht am 7. Oktober 2022 auf dem grossen DAAD-Almnitreffen in Leipzig, und moderiert auf den folgenden Tagen.
Thema des Fachtreffens:
D i e S t a d t d e r Z u k u n f t : s o z i a l – n a c h h a l t i g – s m a r t
Thema der Keynote:
„Renewable City – Die Erneuerbare Stadt: Intelligenz, Klima, Energie und Natur in der urbanen Welt“
Viertes Fachtreffen für deutsche DAAD-Alumni der Architektur und Stadtplanung
Paulinum Universität Leipzig
7. bis 9. Oktober 2022

Prof. Droege speaks at the Fourth Constance Sustainability Conference
Professor Peter Droege presents the report on communal SDG action in the region, at the Fourth Constance Sustainability Conference.
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es für die kommunale Verankerung der Agenda 2030? Wie können Kommunen die Transformation zur Global Nachhaltigen Kommunen auch in herausfordernden Zeiten meistern? Wie kann eine zielführende, interkommunale Netzwerkarbeit aussehen? Darum geht es bei der
4. Konstanzer Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz – regional, kommunal, vernetzt
am 05. und 06. Oktober 2022
im Bodenseeforum Konstanz.

International Conference for Technological Imagination, Rome
Prof. Droege is speaker on the topic “How can Cities react to Climate Change”, at the International Conference for Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition, in Rome, 30 June – 1-2 July 2022

Prof. Droege speaks at the Mureck Living Climate Protection Forum
LISD Director and EUROSOLAR President Professor Droege speaks at the Mureck ‚Living Climate Protection – Klimaschutz Leben’ Forum on 10 June 2022. Mureck in Eastern Styria is a globally leading 100% Renewable Energy Community for three decades, excelling in bioenergy and solar power. Also speaking are Federal Minister Dr. Leonore Gewessler, EU Parliamentarian Simone Schmidbauer, Mayor Klaus Strein and the bioenergy pioneer EC Karl Totter.
LISD Direktor und EUROSOLAR Präsident Professor Droege spricht beim Murecker Forum “Klimaschutz Leben” am 10. Juni 2022. Mureck in der Oststeiermark ist seit drei Jahrzehnten eine weltweit führende 100% Erneuerbare-Energie-Gemeinde, die sich durch Bioenergie und Solarenergie auszeichnet. Mit dabei sind Bundesministerin Dr. Leonore Gewessler, EU-Parlamentarierin Simone Schmidbauer, Bürgermeister Klaus Strein und der Bioenergie-Pionier Ökonomierat Karl Totter.

Release of “Global Dialogue – Sustainability Without Borders” Report

Geneva Debate 2022
24 February 2022
Peter Droege was panelist at Geneva Debate 2022, an online event which explored the question of ‘How to Draw an Ecological Line: Roadmaps for Ecological Urban Realms’.
With the Ecological Transition as the only vital project with regard to the multiple facets of the climate emergency (biodiversity, food, migration, construction, consumption) it is time for the project professions to revisit their fundamentals in order to judge their relevance, to reconstruct the narrative of their own legitimacy, their methodological framework and their anticipated objectives.
The Braillard Architects Foundation asked experts at its Transition Workshop about the conditions for this necessary disciplinary renewal.

Call for climate peace diplomacy
Where is the outcry against the fossil world war that has been smoldering for decades and is escalating every day? Peter Droege, with EUROSOLAR is calling for a new international security policy, with the support of forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften.
The world is locked in a myriad of armed hostilities – the causes of which are increasingly attributed to global warming and the securing of non-renewable energy resources.
Read the article (German)

Peter Droege is Speaker at the Urban and Rural Development Symposium 2021
8 November 2021
Professor Droege will speak at the Urban and Rural Development Symposium, a virtual and public symposium.
The event will feature the work of a diverse group of scholars from Harvard University, USA; University College London, UK; Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development, Liechtenstein; Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; and the United Arab Emirates University, UAE on diverse topics addressing current and future challenges to sustainable development at the urban and rural scales.

Peter Droege is Guest Speaker at Global Women Summit 2021
4 – 6 November
Professor Peter Droege is Guest Speaker and will present The REED Scholarships at the Global Women Summit in Dakhla, Morocco.
The summit is held under the Honorary Presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem. It is the biggest conference series in Morocco dedicated to the women empowerment. The conference enables people and organisations to connect, learn and take action on gender diversity and inclusion in the world’s fastest growing industry.

Peter Droege addressed the Macao Green Finance Summit
Peter Droege addressed the Macao Green Finance Summit, 6-7 August 2021, on the need for a financial paradigm shift to attempt a halt to runaway climate change. The hope behind the initiative is to establish mechanisms for certified financial investment flows in sustainable infrastructure from and to the region, in the form of rated and monitored bonds. Professor Droege pushed for Macao as an international and regional showcase for sustainability practice.

Peter Droege is keynote speaker at IGC 2021
18-20 June 2021
Peter Droege is keynote speaker launching the third International Geodesign Collaboration (IGC) meeting, to be conducted virtually, via Zoom, and hosted by Esri.
The conference will present applications of geodesign to projects addressing immediate and critical global challenges including climate change, climate migration, and global equity. Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students from an array of allied disciplines will gather to learn from and discuss presentations covering these topics.

Rachel Svetanoff appointed as LEAP Fellow
Rachel Svetanoff MS MBA has been appointed as LEAP Fellow from 2021.
Rachel works with the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development AG in its LEAP program: we proudly announce her appointment as part of our development of new sustainability support programs for countries in the Global South, notably Africa. A former program leader for Johnson & Johnson’s Global Public Health Program, Rachel is also Co-Founder of the Global Futurist Initiative, UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, OBWC Liaison and a highly sought after public speaker.

2021 Transition Workshop Geneva
June 1st – July 23rd 2021
The Fondation Braillard Architectes and LISD as one of its partners, is launching the second edition of the Transition Workshop in Geneva – Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change experts and home to major international organizations.
For more information, download program PDFs in English or French, or
Watch the teaser!
ON NOW: Learn about the Method and Content

Peter Droege opens virtual IRES/ESE Conference 2021
16-18 March 2021
EUROSOLAR holds its 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2021) on March 16-18, 2021 as global web summit. This allows scientists all over the world to participate.
The IRES conference is dedicated to scientific findings on storage systems in the world of smart and distributed energy resources – its central focus on storage technology encompasses also legal, policy, network and market aspects. IRES provides a coherent overview of energy storage technologies that can enable the global transition towards the decarbonisation of economies through distributed and ubiquitous renewable energy systems.

Ibada Ahmed is LISD International Advisor for Africa
Ibada Ahmed has joined us as International Advisor for Africa, to collaborate on innovations in sustainable development, multilateral partnership solutions, the role of sustainable infrastructure, responsible capital investment, purposeful human development and community empowerment.

TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition
10 December 2020, 17:00 – 20:00 EST
Peter Droege presents at TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition: Buildings, cities and landscapes in the prism of climate change. The Zoom Seminar is part of CONSULTATION GRAND GENÈVE — THE ECO-CENTURY PROJECT®
For more information and to register: Click here.

European Solar Prize 2020 awarded to nine laureates online
The European Solar Prize 2020 was awarded to nine laureates fighting for the energy revolution. EUROSOLAR awarded the European Solar Prize to actors from seven different nations.
People from all over the continent came together in front of their screens to celebrate the most courageous and visionary renewable energy projects Europe’s citizens have to offer. Politicians and scientists, artists and entrepreneurs gathered to listen to inspiring speeches, learn about outstanding projects and enjoy the show.

LISD partners with UNCRD and IRENA in delivering Asian Sustainable Transport Training Workshop
10-11 November 2020
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Government of Thailand, Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and United Nations Centre for Regional Development of Division for Sustainable Development Goals/United Nations Development of Economic and Social Affairs will be co-organizing the Intergovernmental 13th Regional EST Forum in Asia from 10 to 11 November 2020 in conjunction with the UN ESCAP 6th Session of the Committee on Transport, on the theme of “Changing the Course of Asia’s Transport Sector through Transformational Changes”.

Mekelle University recipients of the 2020 Liechtenstein REED / TEA-LP Scholarship
LISD has proudly commenced to award the first round of Liechtenstein REED / TEA-LP Scholarships to three qualified candidates at the Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (Mekelle University). The Scholarships were conceived and developed by the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development during 2018-2020 and are provided through the generosity of the Liechtenstein Government, with additional support secured from UK Aid Direct, the British Department for International Development. The academic program development framework is provided by LISD’s partner, The Energy Access – Learning Program (TEA-LP) of the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Einladung zur 3. Konstanzer Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz
22. September 2020, Konstanz
Die LISD AG war erfolgreich in der Ausschreibung zu ‘Grenzenlos nachhaltig’, eine Studie zur Aufnahme, Bedeutung, Grössenordnung und zum Umgehen mit den Zielen der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung – den Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs – der UNO Agenda 2030 im Bodenseeraum. Die deutsche öffentliche Einrichtung ‘Engagement Global – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen’ des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung wählte das bewährte Team bestehend aus der Vaduzer Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development AG und der deutschen B.A.U.M. Gruppe aus, eine SDG-Studie der Gemeinden, Landkreise, Bundesländer, Kantone und anderer Institutionen mit besonderem Fokus auf Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz durchzuführen.
Alle sind eingeladen zur grossen Konferenz: Download

Stakeholders Virtual Meeting at UNCCD on “Land-Solar Plus”
16-17 September 2020, Bonn, Germany
Prof. Peter Droege, Director of LISD, presents at the United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification Stakeholders virtual meeting, with Mr. Holger Johannes Schoenherr, SUN farming, on the topic of “People, Power, Water, Food and Land – Practical Solutions and New Policy Mandates for the Rural-Urban Nexus”.
Land-Solar Plus Concept and Agenda

LISD launches the Transition Workshop 2020 with The Fondation Braillard Architectes
13-24 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
LISD is partnering with The Fondation Braillard Architectes to launch the Transition Workshop 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change policy makers. Under the cultural Programme The Eco-Century Project®, the first international workshop addresses the professional interactions, scales and methods of the urgent ecological transition in the future urban realms.
For more info and to apply:

UNCRD / Intergovernmental 12th Regional Environmental Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia
LISD is co-organising this year’s Sustainable Transport event of the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD / Intergovernmental 12th Regional Environmental Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia). It will take place on October 28, 2019, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Austria Eurosolar Prize Awards 2019
Peter Droege opens the Austrian Solar Prize Awards today

Internationalen IHK-Lausitz-Konferenz der Zukunftsregionen
LISD Berlin, in cooperation with IHK Cottbus, will lead the first International IHK Lusatia Conference on Future Regions, on 19 September 2019.
Date and time:
19.09.2019, 13:30 – 18:30
Kino “Weltspiegel” Cottbus,
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 78,
03046 Cottbus

LISD & Renewable Energy Business and Practice Educational Program in Africa (REd)
LISD participated in the Kick-Off Workshop of the Renewable Energy Business and Practice Educational Program in Africa (REd), which took place on 4-9 Augusta, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prof. Peter Droege LISD is jury member @ Solar Decathlon 2019
Solar Decathlon Europe 2019 will take place in Szentendre, Hungary 22-24 July 2019.
The event unites the local government of Szentendre, EMI, a non-profit organisation for quality control and innovation in building, and BME, the Budapest University of Technology & Economics.
SDE19 in Szentendre will emphasize renovation simulation, providing a frame of existing buildings
that pose renovation challenges stemming from local urban factors.
The Solar Decathlon Europe is an international competition that challenges collegiate teams to design and build houses powered exclusively by the renewable energy sources: the main aim of competition is to promote of architectural solutions related to solar energy, renewable energies and innovative technologies through the houses built by the university teams.

URBAN TERRITORIES IN TRANSITION – The Greater Geneva Consultation, Trienniale Milano, 25 May
Prof. Droege reviews and critiques the seven entries to the URBAN TERRITORIES IN TRANSITION. THE GREATER GENEVA CONSULTATION Competition, at the Trienniale Milano 2019.
Background – In 2008, the French-Swiss area around Geneva concluded a decades long development by creating a new territorial entity, the Greater Geneva. Since then, substantial work has been done in creating an ecological metropolis in domains such transports, housing and landscape preservation.
Through an extended public-private partnership, the Braillard Architectural Foundation initiated the Greater Geneva Consultation, in which seven interdisciplinary teams were selected to design the transitional phase of the agglomeration: taking into account such aspects as energy, water and other resources, biodiversity, migration, equality, and mobility.

Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report – Preliminary Findings
As Special Advisor to the Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report (REC-GSR), Peter Droege welcomes the first Preliminary Findings that has just been released.
The REC-GSR will map out the current trends and developments of renewable energy in cities. The report series aims to accelerate transformations to renewables in cities, support city commitments and inspire innovation in policy, financing and technology development. The preliminary findings serve as the basis for the first full report, to be released in September 2019.

Prof. Peter Droege presents Key Note Speech at SBE19, Scilla, Italy
Prof. Peter Droege presents Key Note Speech entitled “Urban energy transition: renewable strategies for cities and regions” at the SBE19 conference, to be held on May 16-17, 2019 in Scilla, Italy.
SBE19 is focused on policies, programs and action plans targeted to improve the sustainability of the built environment.
The conference is organized under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UN Environment and FIDIC and belongs to the Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards World Conference SBE20 Gothenburg.
For more info

EUROSOLAR presents at “Smart Solar Power in Europe” event, Intersolar Europe 2019, Munich, Germany
EUROSOLAR participates at the information exchange and brokerage event “Smart Solar Power in Europe”, organised by SOLAR-ERA.NET and Smart Energy Systems ERA-Net, to be held on 16 May 2019 at Intersolar Europe 2019 in Munich, Germany.
EUROSOLAR presents “Smart solar power – fast track to a renewable Europe: A policy and a technology view to revolutionizing energy infrastructure”, prepared by Peter Droege (President, EUROSOLAR e.V. Director, Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development), and presented by Wolfgang Hein (Chairman of EUROSOLAR Austria).
For more info on
For more info on

Call for Renewable Energy Policies & Projects
Showcase your city’s renewable energy action, share your insights and be featured in the First Edition REN21 Renewables in Cities Global Status Report!
Does your city have a target, policy or innovative business model integrating renewable energy in buildings, industry, transport or power grids? How is your city mobilizing finance and involving citizens in renewable energy projects? REN21 invites you to share your renewable energy stories and actions and be part of the collaborative effort to create the first global report on renewable energy in cities.
There are two ways to get involved: fill in the questionnaire, available on REN21 website (in English); or send REN21 any relevant data you might have (e.g. pdf, excel, webpage) directly via email to (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish). Deadline is 18 March 2019.
Thanks for your contribution – your city will be featured on the REN21 web portal and your contribution will be acknowledged in the final report!

Appointed as Special Advisor to REN21
Peter Droege has been appointed as Special Advisor to the Paris-based organisation REN21 ( It issues the Renewable Energy Global Status Report each year, and, from this year, the Renewables in Cities Global Status Report.

LISD cohosts UNCRD event
LISD has been chosen by the United Nations Center for Rgional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan, to co-organize a daylong event on the Economic Benefits of Sustainable Transport, held at the beginning of the 12th Intergovernmental Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia (EST 12), 28-31 October 2019 in Hanoi. For this special event LISD and its director Peter Droege will contribute a keynote paper and guide the programming, with and on behalf of UNCRD. Peter Droege will also present on the topic of Renewable Transport Systems for Cities and Communities.
EST 12 will be jointly held by Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Hanoi People’s Committee, Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD).
VNA News Release
UNCRD website

New LISD Publication: Urban Energy Transition – Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions, 2nd Edition
Urban Energy Transition, 2nd edition, is the definitive science and practice-based compendium of energy transformations in the global urban system. This volume is a timely and rich resource for all, as citizens, companies and their communities, from remote villages to megacities and metropolitan regions, rapidly move away from fossil fuel and nuclear power, to renewable energy as civic infrastructure investment, source of revenue and prosperity, and existential resilience strategy.
“An excellent and timely resource for practice, policy, teaching and research. This a fresh and sweeping, rigorously scientific and yet extraordinarily applied and practical look at a rising global phenomenon: renewable energy for cities and regions. Beautifully illustrated in full colour, this instills great optimism for this rapidly urbanizing planet, still all too dependent of fossil fuel, and therefore precariously slipping towards climate calamity.“ Elsevier Verified Reviewer.

Award Ceremony of the European Solar Prize 2018
17 November 2018. Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Peter Droege will chair this year’s 2018 European Solar Prize ceremony.
Since 1994 EUROSOLAR has recognized outstanding commitment in the field of renewable energy with the annual European Solar Prize. Ground-breaking projects and initiatives from all sectors of society are selected with the purpose of making pioneers and innovators the focus of public awareness and of giving fresh impetus to an energy turnaround that is decentralized and based on renewables.
Having previously been held in Prague, Barcelona and Vienna, this year’s edition of the European Solar Prize will be awarded in EUROSOLAR’S hometown of Bonn – within the framework of the 30th anniversary of EUROSOLAR and the associated annual partnership with the city of Bonn.

The Economist – Southeast Europe – Germany Business & Investment Summit
3 December 2018. Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Peter Droege will be part of a business panel discussing issues related to the large-scale projects in Germany and South-Europe, focusing on the topics:
*Infrastructure and transportation,
*Prospects for renewable energy sources, and
*The energy landscape in SE Europe and east Mediterranean.
The discussion will take place amongst a series of panels as part of The Economist Events in co-operation with the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and the valuable support of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).
For more information.

CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) National Forum: The Renewable City – How Perth is Doing with the CRC’s Help?
31 October 2018. St George’s Terrace, Perth, Australia
Prof. Peter Droege will set out the global context on how rapidly the world is moving towards low carbon living. In collaboration with CUSP researchers, the Forum will also present the city of Perth’s efforts in demonstrating real leadership in the next economy.
Demonstrated through single houses, medium density precincts, local governments, industrial precincts, schools and university campuses, the CRCLCL’s research has grown into national studies and international projects as Perth‘s low carbon innovations have been recognized.
This National Forum will celebrate the latest research accomplished through the CRCLCL and Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute and their national partnerships.
Read the Renewable City Paper
Watch the Presentation

Eleventh Intergovernmental Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia
2 Oct 2018 – 5 Oct 2018. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Prof. Peter Droege speaks on the topic of the role of urban design and strategic planning in sustainable urban and regional transit.
This event was co-organized by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Municipality of Ulaanbaatar of the Government of Mongolia; Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan (MOE-Japan); the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP); and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG)/UN DESA under the overall theme of ” Sustainable Urban Design and Development ~ Role of EST “.
For more information.

30 years of EUROSOLAR – European symposium and parlamentarian evening: A Europe of Renewable Energies
27 September 2018. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin, Germany
Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR President, chaired the European symposium and parlamentarian evening: A Europe of Renewable Energies. The focus was on the positions and the cooperation of the European member states in the course of the energy transition and the overcoming of the dependence on coal, oil and gas in order to finance a solar Europe and to finally turn away from the nuclear industry.
Impulses from the EUROSOLAR sections and a parliamentary discussion forum were to used for in-depth and practical discussions. The day was rounded off with a joint evening reception and good entertainment. The comprehensive daily programme was available here.
The event was supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and was interpreted in German and English.

New “World Nuclear Industry Status Report”
Prof. Peter Droege speaks at the presentation of the 2018 World Nuclear Industry Status Report, with discussion at the Berlin Öko-Institut on 26 September 2018.
Since 1992, the World Nuclear Industry Report has been documenting the global development of nuclear power as a source of energy. This year’s report was written by the independent renowned energy and nuclear energy expert Mycle Schneider. It was produced with the support of the MacArthur Foundation, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in France. The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, the Zukunftserbe Foundation, the Elektrizitätswerke Schönau (EWS), and the Swiss Energy Foundation are also among the project’s sponsors.
For more information.

Interview with Elsevier SciTech Connect
Elsevier SciTech Connect interviews Prof. Peter Droege.
Read the transcript of the interview here.

Deutscher Solarpreis 2018 in Bonn verliehen
Peter Droege speaks on occasion of the 2018 German Solar Prize, 15 September 2018, Muenster-Carree, Bonn.
Im feierlichen Rahmen wurde am Samstag, dem 15. September, der Deutsche Solarpreis 2018 verliehen. Anlässlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums von EUROSOLAR und der damit verbundenen Jahrespartnerschaft mit der Stadt Bonn fand die traditionelle Preisverleihung im Bonner Münster-Carré statt. Gemeinsam mit der EnergieAgentur.NRW wurde der von EUROSOLAR e.V. ins Leben gerufene Preis in acht Kategorien vergeben.

„Stadtentwicklung und Zukunftsplanung Europa“
Prof. Peter Droege speaks at the DAAD Alumni Seminar (Stadt-) Kompetenzen stärken „Stadtentwicklung und Zukunftsplanung Europa“ on 14-15.09.2018 at the Landesakademie Schloss Rotenfels, Gaggenau, Germany.

Indian renewable energy innovation LEAP Fellow
We at LISD are delighted to welcome Indian renewable energy innnovation LEAP Fellow Sookrit Malik. Delhi-based Sookrit will be involved in microgrid based fossil-fuel replacement projects, and coach our Nigeria based renewable energy advancement team in grassroots and small-industry based renewable power introduction schemes, to the point where these become viable.
Sookrit is the founder of Energeia, a smart microgrid company, which provides cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy to industries in developing countries. He has been a part of a number of service projects in villages, slums and conflict areas. He was awarded The Impact Award by The Global Education and Leadership Foundation for his work.

LISD virtual internship beneficiary and LEAP Fellow
LISD welcomes young Ghanaian renewable energy and climate scholar Sarpong Hammond Antwi as virtual internship beneficiary and African LEAP Fellow for 2018.
Sarpong is an MSc Energy Policy student of the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) in Algeria. He has experience in community development, facilitation and mobilization. In 2016 he was awarded the best volunteer by the National Youth Authority of Ghana-Upper West Region and now serves as the co-founder of PAUWES Climate Change and Environmental Community. This year, he will work with LISD on African Energy, Biodiversity Protection, Urban Energy Transition, and Research Program Development.

Invitation to the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems Conference
Professor Peter Droege is invited to speak at the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems Conference and associated events 22-25 May 2018 at the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmø, Sweden. ERA-Net SES is the joint programming platform of countries and regions in the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) Key Action 4, “Increasing the resilience and security of the energy system”, jointly conducted with the European Commission. Theme is From Local Trials towards a European Knowledge Community. Professor Droege will represent EUROSOLAR.

Episode of TalkingCities with Prof. Droege, live on 22nd May
James Rosenwax of AECOM chats with award winning author, international urban sustainability expert Professor Peter Droege about renewable energy technology advancements and Sydney’s path and progress to energy neutrality. Discussion also focuses on low carbon vs carbon neutrality and the dirty truth about fossil fuels.
This episode of TalkingCities goes live on Tuesday 22nd May. You can find it on ITunes or your favourite PodCast app.

12th IRES Conference, Duesseldorf, 13-15 March 2018
Peter Droege will open EUROSOLAR’s 12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) and the parallel 7th Energy Storage Europe (ESE) events and exhibit at Messe Düsseldorf, Germany.

Launch of CEMET
In November 2017 Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development commissioned, briefed, guided and coached the University of New South Wales Master of Urban Policy and Strategy to develop a what it originally calls CEMET – a Coal Exit Metropolitan Energy Transition program for Berlin and Brandenburg.

LISD Senior Fellow: LEAP Global Partner
LISD bestows Senior Fellow status to Sherman Teichman, renowned US educator, academic activist and investigative research leader, founder of the Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) at Tufts University in Massachusetts. Mr. Teichman is LISD’s partner in charge of LEAP, the cutting edge LISD Embedded Practitioner and Action Program.

European Green Australia Summit 2017
Peter Droege opens and hosts our inaugural European Green Australia Summit at the Australian Embassy in Berlin, Germany, on 10 Nov 2017.

IRES Symposium, Berlin, 20 Nov 2017
Peter Droege opens IRES Symposium in Berlin, Germany.

European Solar Prize, Vienna, 18 Nov 2017

German Solar Prize Symposium, Wuppertal, 14 Oct 2017
Peter Droege keynotes at the Symposium for the German Solar Prize in Wuppertal, Germany.

Protection and Restoration of the Environment Conference
Peter Droege joins the Scientific Committee of the Conference “Protection and Restoration of the Environment”. This well-known series of international conferences began in 1992. Since then they have been organized jointly by one American and one Greek University every two years. In 2018, the fourteenth Conference of the series, will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 3th to 6th, 2018.
Call for papers:

LISD co-hosts ‘A sustainable ecosystem’
LISD co-hosts ‘A sustainable ecosystem’ under the broad theme ‘FL Innovation’.
Time and place: 18. August 2017, 17:00, University of Liechtenstein. For registration requests please contact info
Participants come from from MIT’s Media Lab, the UN Technology Innovation Lab, Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development, the HUS Institute and the University of Liechtenstein.

Launch of new book: Regenerative Räume
Regenerative Räume enthält die Forschungsprojekte von zwanzig DoktorandInnen, über zwei Jahre im Rahmen der Dokonara erstellt, des Doktoratskollegs Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung der Universität Liechtenstein, Inssbruck, Kassel und der HafenCity Universität Hamburg – gestützt von ERASMUS+.
Publisher’s website of Regenerative Räume:

Statement by Professor Droege on the G-20 Summit in Hamburg
Radiointerview zum G20 Treffen mit EUROSOLAR Präsident Prof. Peter Droege bei Radio Lora.

Launch of new book: Bodensee 2030
Peter Droege lanciert ein neues Buch, im kooperativen Rahmen seiner akademischen Arbeit an der Universität Liechtenstein: Bodensee 2030 wurde mit den Universitäten St. Gallen, Konstanz und der Zeppelin Universität als grosse Foresight-Studie erstellt, unterstützt von der Internationalen Bodensee-Hochschule
Download a PDF of Bodensee 2030 here

23rd Annual Conference EAERE
LISD Vaduz Peter Droege co-authors paper by University of Thessaloniki at “Energies”,the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June – 1 July 2017

TUM SuperLux Symposium: Project Sunrise
Lighting uses 2% of global electricity generation, estimated to emit nearly 2.8 Gigatons of CO2, and costing some 4 billion USD each year. Prof. Peter Droege presents a strategy of deriving all of this worldwide by 2040 through the most powerful light source: the star we call Sun. Watch the presentation for Project Sunrise.
SuperLux International Light Symposium: Smart Light Art, Design and Architecture for Cities.

End the Gaza power siege
Professor Droege, EUROSOLAR President, calls for an end to the recent electricity cuts to occupied Gaza, endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands, and risking another major conflict – needlessly. We support an end to the blockade, travel prohibitions and power deprivation, and instead for opening a solar age in a regenerated Gaza strip.

An Existential Question of Terrestrial Habitability and Human Survivability: An Interview with Peter Droege
In this interview, Peter Droege provides an informed exhortation about the role of cities, about what he believes is the urgency and feasibility of attaining “100% Renewable Energy.”
—Sherman Teichman for EuropeNow

Keynote at VI Environmental Conference, University Of Barcelona
Keynote at the VI Environmental Conference, organized by the University of Barcelona, Miguel Torres, S.A. (winery) and Mr. Tomàs Molina (journalist and meteorologist).

Keynote at German Protestant Convention, Potsdam
Peter Droege keynotes on post-coal regional structural change at the German national Protestant convention Kirchentag in Potsdam, Germany.

LISD Vaduz anniversary
LISD Vaduz celebrates second anniversary with program of activities, 26-28 May 2017.

LISD Alpine Research Cluster
LISD announces the formation of an innovative cluster of three essential local and Alpine research programs: CESBA Alps, one of LISD’s exciting flagship projects for our region, has been joined newly by GREENCYCLE, an international program on nurturing a regional circular economy in Werdenberg-Liechtenstein, and IMEAS, a pan-alpine program of overcoming the barriers to a comprehensive regional energy transition, also focusing on our immediate Alpine Rhine Valley and the Liechtenstein region.

2nd IMEAS Meeting Vorarlberg
LISD Vaduz attends second IMEAS meeting and workshop, held in Vorarlberg, Austria, 5-6 April 2017.

12. eco.naturkongress 2017
Peter Droege keynotes at the national Water Fortress Switzerland conference in Basel. Watch presentation: Wasser, Alpen, Wetter, Ski – die Zukunft des Schweizer Wintertourismus.

11th IRES Conference
Peter Droege opens and chairs the 11th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) 13-15 March 2017 in Düsseldorf.

IRES Conference, 13-15 March 2018, Düsseldorf
Peter Droege opens 12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) and 7th Energy Storage Europe (ESE) in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Oceanian Science, Industry and Design
LISD Vaduz on Oceanian Science, Industry and Design tour, 1-20 January 2017.

Urban Energy Transition 2nd Edition
LISD to close first Call for Entries to the Second Edition of Urban Energy Transition, to be entitled ‘Urban Energy Transition – Handbook for Cities and Regions’

CA partner meeting Milan
LISD Vaduz attends CA technical partner meeting in Milan, 11-12 January 2017.

IRES 2017 Proceedings for Energy Procedia
Peter Droege is appointed Chief Editor of Energy Procedia’s 2017 edition for the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference IRES 2017 in Dusseldorf, Germany, 14-17 March 2017.