Peter Droege opens virtual IRES/ESE Conference 2021
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, News, Research 100% renewable, Energy storage, Europe, Eurosolar, Germany, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport
16-18 March 2021
EUROSOLAR holds its 15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2021) on March 16-18, 2021 as global web summit. This allows scientists all over the world to participate.
The IRES conference is dedicated to scientific findings on storage systems in the world of smart and distributed energy resources – its central focus on storage technology encompasses also legal, policy, network and market aspects. IRES provides a coherent overview of energy storage technologies that can enable the global transition towards the decarbonisation of economies through distributed and ubiquitous renewable energy systems.
European Solar Prize 2020 awarded to nine laureates online
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, News, PD 100% renewable, Berlin, Europe, European Solar Prize, Eurosolar, Germany, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport
The European Solar Prize 2020 was awarded to nine laureates fighting for the energy revolution. EUROSOLAR awarded the European Solar Prize to actors from seven different nations.
People from all over the continent came together in front of their screens to celebrate the most courageous and visionary renewable energy projects Europe’s citizens have to offer. Politicians and scientists, artists and entrepreneurs gathered to listen to inspiring speeches, learn about outstanding projects and enjoy the show.
Einladung zur 3. Konstanzer Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, Consulting, News, Research Alpine space, Austria, Europe, Germany, IBK, Lake Constance, Liechtenstein, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, United Nations
22. September 2020, Konstanz
Die LISD AG war erfolgreich in der Ausschreibung zu ‘Grenzenlos nachhaltig’, eine Studie zur Aufnahme, Bedeutung, Grössenordnung und zum Umgehen mit den Zielen der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung – den Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs – der UNO Agenda 2030 im Bodenseeraum. Die deutsche öffentliche Einrichtung ‘Engagement Global – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen’ des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung wählte das bewährte Team bestehend aus der Vaduzer Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development AG und der deutschen B.A.U.M. Gruppe aus, eine SDG-Studie der Gemeinden, Landkreise, Bundesländer, Kantone und anderer Institutionen mit besonderem Fokus auf Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz durchzuführen.
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Stakeholders Virtual Meeting at UNCCD on “Land-Solar Plus”
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, Consulting, News, PD Africa, Bonn, Energy security, Food, Germany, Renewable energy, Solar energy, Sustainable development, Water
16-17 September 2020, Bonn, Germany
Prof. Peter Droege, Director of LISD, presents at the United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification Stakeholders virtual meeting, with Mr. Holger Johannes Schoenherr, SUN farming, on the topic of “People, Power, Water, Food and Land – Practical Solutions and New Policy Mandates for the Rural-Urban Nexus”.
Land-Solar Plus Concept and Agenda
Internationalen IHK-Lausitz-Konferenz der Zukunftsregionen
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, Consulting, News, Research Europe, Future regions, Germany, Sustainable development, Urban planning
LISD Berlin, in cooperation with IHK Cottbus, will lead the first International IHK Lusatia Conference on Future Regions, on 19 September 2019.
Date and time:
19.09.2019, 13:30 – 18:30
Kino “Weltspiegel” Cottbus,
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 78,
03046 Cottbus
Award Ceremony of the European Solar Prize 2018
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Bonn, Europe, Germany, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure
17 November 2018. Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Peter Droege will chair this year’s 2018 European Solar Prize ceremony.
Since 1994 EUROSOLAR has recognized outstanding commitment in the field of renewable energy with the annual European Solar Prize. Ground-breaking projects and initiatives from all sectors of society are selected with the purpose of making pioneers and innovators the focus of public awareness and of giving fresh impetus to an energy turnaround that is decentralized and based on renewables.
Having previously been held in Prague, Barcelona and Vienna, this year’s edition of the European Solar Prize will be awarded in EUROSOLAR’S hometown of Bonn – within the framework of the 30th anniversary of EUROSOLAR and the associated annual partnership with the city of Bonn.
The Economist – Southeast Europe – Germany Business & Investment Summit
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Berlin, Germany, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable infrastructure
3 December 2018. Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Peter Droege will be part of a business panel discussing issues related to the large-scale projects in Germany and South-Europe, focusing on the topics:
*Infrastructure and transportation,
*Prospects for renewable energy sources, and
*The energy landscape in SE Europe and east Mediterranean.
The discussion will take place amongst a series of panels as part of The Economist Events in co-operation with the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and the valuable support of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).
For more information.
30 years of EUROSOLAR – European symposium and parlamentarian evening: A Europe of Renewable Energies
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Berlin, Europe, Eurosolar, Germany, Renewable energy, Solar energy
27 September 2018. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin, Germany
Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR President, chaired the European symposium and parlamentarian evening: A Europe of Renewable Energies. The focus was on the positions and the cooperation of the European member states in the course of the energy transition and the overcoming of the dependence on coal, oil and gas in order to finance a solar Europe and to finally turn away from the nuclear industry.
Impulses from the EUROSOLAR sections and a parliamentary discussion forum were to used for in-depth and practical discussions. The day was rounded off with a joint evening reception and good entertainment. The comprehensive daily programme was available here.
The event was supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and was interpreted in German and English.
„Stadtentwicklung und Zukunftsplanung Europa“
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Consulting, News Europe, Germany, Renewable energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Urban design, Urban planning
Prof. Peter Droege speaks at the DAAD Alumni Seminar (Stadt-) Kompetenzen stärken „Stadtentwicklung und Zukunftsplanung Europa“ on 14-15.09.2018 at the Landesakademie Schloss Rotenfels, Gaggenau, Germany.