
Geneva Debate 2022
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News, PD, Research 100% renewable, Alpine space, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
24 February 2022
Peter Droege was panelist at Geneva Debate 2022, an online event which explored the question of ‘How to Draw an Ecological Line: Roadmaps for Ecological Urban Realms’.
With the Ecological Transition as the only vital project with regard to the multiple facets of the climate emergency (biodiversity, food, migration, construction, consumption) it is time for the project professions to revisit their fundamentals in order to judge their relevance, to reconstruct the narrative of their own legitimacy, their methodological framework and their anticipated objectives.
The Braillard Architects Foundation asked experts at its Transition Workshop about the conditions for this necessary disciplinary renewal.

2021 Transition Workshop Geneva
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, News, Research 100% renewable, Alpine space, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
June 1st – July 23rd 2021
The Fondation Braillard Architectes and LISD as one of its partners, is launching the second edition of the Transition Workshop in Geneva – Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change experts and home to major international organizations.
For more information, download program PDFs in English or French, or
Watch the teaser!
ON NOW: Learn about the Method and Content

TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, News, PD 100% renewable, Alpine space, Climate change, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
10 December 2020, 17:00 – 20:00 EST
Peter Droege presents at TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition: Buildings, cities and landscapes in the prism of climate change. The Zoom Seminar is part of CONSULTATION GRAND GENÈVE — THE ECO-CENTURY PROJECT®
For more information and to register: Click here.

Einladung zur 3. Konstanzer Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, Consulting, News, Research Alpine space, Austria, Europe, Germany, IBK, Lake Constance, Liechtenstein, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, United Nations
22. September 2020, Konstanz
Die LISD AG war erfolgreich in der Ausschreibung zu ‘Grenzenlos nachhaltig’, eine Studie zur Aufnahme, Bedeutung, Grössenordnung und zum Umgehen mit den Zielen der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung – den Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs – der UNO Agenda 2030 im Bodenseeraum. Die deutsche öffentliche Einrichtung ‘Engagement Global – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen’ des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung wählte das bewährte Team bestehend aus der Vaduzer Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development AG und der deutschen B.A.U.M. Gruppe aus, eine SDG-Studie der Gemeinden, Landkreise, Bundesländer, Kantone und anderer Institutionen mit besonderem Fokus auf Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz durchzuführen.
Alle sind eingeladen zur grossen Konferenz: Download

LISD launches the Transition Workshop 2020 with The Fondation Braillard Architectes
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, Consulting, News, PD Europe, Geneva, Smart city, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
13-24 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
LISD is partnering with The Fondation Braillard Architectes to launch the Transition Workshop 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change policy makers. Under the cultural Programme The Eco-Century Project®, the first international workshop addresses the professional interactions, scales and methods of the urgent ecological transition in the future urban realms.
For more info and to apply: workshop2020@braillard.ch

URBAN TERRITORIES IN TRANSITION – The Greater Geneva Consultation, Trienniale Milano, 25 May
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, Consulting, News Europe, Geneva, Renewable energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Switzerland
Prof. Droege reviews and critiques the seven entries to the URBAN TERRITORIES IN TRANSITION. THE GREATER GENEVA CONSULTATION Competition, at the Trienniale Milano 2019.
Background – In 2008, the French-Swiss area around Geneva concluded a decades long development by creating a new territorial entity, the Greater Geneva. Since then, substantial work has been done in creating an ecological metropolis in domains such transports, housing and landscape preservation.
Through an extended public-private partnership, the Braillard Architectural Foundation initiated the Greater Geneva Consultation, in which seven interdisciplinary teams were selected to design the transitional phase of the agglomeration: taking into account such aspects as energy, water and other resources, biodiversity, migration, equality, and mobility.

Launch of new book: Bodensee 2030
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, News Alpine space, Austria, Bodensee, Europe, Germany, Lake Constance, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Peter Droege lanciert ein neues Buch, im kooperativen Rahmen seiner akademischen Arbeit an der Universität Liechtenstein: Bodensee 2030 wurde mit den Universitäten St. Gallen, Konstanz und der Zeppelin Universität als grosse Foresight-Studie erstellt, unterstützt von der Internationalen Bodensee-Hochschule
Download a PDF of Bodensee 2030 here

LISD Alpine Research Cluster
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Alpine space, CESBA, Europe, Germany, GREENCYCLE, IMEAS, Liechtenstein, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Switzerland
LISD announces the formation of an innovative cluster of three essential local and Alpine research programs: CESBA Alps, one of LISD’s exciting flagship projects for our region, has been joined newly by GREENCYCLE, an international program on nurturing a regional circular economy in Werdenberg-Liechtenstein, and IMEAS, a pan-alpine program of overcoming the barriers to a comprehensive regional energy transition, also focusing on our immediate Alpine Rhine Valley and the Liechtenstein region.

12. eco.naturkongress 2017
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Alpine space, Basel, Europe, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Switzerland, Water
Peter Droege keynotes at the eco.ch national Water Fortress Switzerland conference in Basel. Watch presentation: Wasser, Alpen, Wetter, Ski – die Zukunft des Schweizer Wintertourismus.