Urban design

Geneva Debate 2022
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News, PD, Research 100% renewable, Alpine space, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
24 February 2022
Peter Droege was panelist at Geneva Debate 2022, an online event which explored the question of ‘How to Draw an Ecological Line: Roadmaps for Ecological Urban Realms’.
With the Ecological Transition as the only vital project with regard to the multiple facets of the climate emergency (biodiversity, food, migration, construction, consumption) it is time for the project professions to revisit their fundamentals in order to judge their relevance, to reconstruct the narrative of their own legitimacy, their methodological framework and their anticipated objectives.
The Braillard Architects Foundation asked experts at its Transition Workshop about the conditions for this necessary disciplinary renewal.

Peter Droege is keynote speaker at IGC 2021
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, News, PD Geodesign, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Urban design, Urban planning, USA
18-20 June 2021
Peter Droege is keynote speaker launching the third International Geodesign Collaboration (IGC) meeting, to be conducted virtually, via Zoom, and hosted by Esri.
The conference will present applications of geodesign to projects addressing immediate and critical global challenges including climate change, climate migration, and global equity. Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students from an array of allied disciplines will gather to learn from and discuss presentations covering these topics.

2021 Transition Workshop Geneva
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, News, Research 100% renewable, Alpine space, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
June 1st – July 23rd 2021
The Fondation Braillard Architectes and LISD as one of its partners, is launching the second edition of the Transition Workshop in Geneva – Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change experts and home to major international organizations.
For more information, download program PDFs in English or French, or
Watch the teaser!
ON NOW: Learn about the Method and Content

TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, News, PD 100% renewable, Alpine space, Climate change, Europe, Fondation Braillard, Geneva, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
10 December 2020, 17:00 – 20:00 EST
Peter Droege presents at TEDx Countdown | The Architecture of Transition: Buildings, cities and landscapes in the prism of climate change. The Zoom Seminar is part of CONSULTATION GRAND GENÈVE — THE ECO-CENTURY PROJECT®
For more information and to register: Click here.

LISD partners with UNCRD and IRENA in delivering Asian Sustainable Transport Training Workshop
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Activities, News, Research Asia, Japan, Smart city, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Thailand, United Nations, Urban design, Urban planning
10-11 November 2020
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Government of Thailand, Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Japan, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and United Nations Centre for Regional Development of Division for Sustainable Development Goals/United Nations Development of Economic and Social Affairs will be co-organizing the Intergovernmental 13th Regional EST Forum in Asia from 10 to 11 November 2020 in conjunction with the UN ESCAP 6th Session of the Committee on Transport, on the theme of “Changing the Course of Asia’s Transport Sector through Transformational Changes”.

LISD launches the Transition Workshop 2020 with The Fondation Braillard Architectes
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, Consulting, News, PD Europe, Geneva, Smart city, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Sustainable transport, Switzerland, Urban design, Urban planning
13-24 July 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
LISD is partnering with The Fondation Braillard Architectes to launch the Transition Workshop 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland, the world’s leading hub for climate change policy makers. Under the cultural Programme The Eco-Century Project®, the first international workshop addresses the professional interactions, scales and methods of the urgent ecological transition in the future urban realms.
For more info and to apply: workshop2020@braillard.ch

UNCRD / Intergovernmental 12th Regional Environmental Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel Academy, Activities, Consulting, News, Research Asia, Hanoi, Sustainable infrastructure, Urban design, Vietnam
LISD is co-organising this year’s Sustainable Transport event of the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD / Intergovernmental 12th Regional Environmental Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia). It will take place on October 28, 2019, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

New LISD Publication: Urban Energy Transition – Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions, 2nd Edition
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Renewable energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Urban design, Urban planning
Urban Energy Transition, 2nd edition, is the definitive science and practice-based compendium of energy transformations in the global urban system. This volume is a timely and rich resource for all, as citizens, companies and their communities, from remote villages to megacities and metropolitan regions, rapidly move away from fossil fuel and nuclear power, to renewable energy as civic infrastructure investment, source of revenue and prosperity, and existential resilience strategy.
“An excellent and timely resource for practice, policy, teaching and research. This a fresh and sweeping, rigorously scientific and yet extraordinarily applied and practical look at a rising global phenomenon: renewable energy for cities and regions. Beautifully illustrated in full colour, this instills great optimism for this rapidly urbanizing planet, still all too dependent of fossil fuel, and therefore precariously slipping towards climate calamity.“ Elsevier Verified Reviewer.

CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) National Forum: The Renewable City – How Perth is Doing with the CRC’s Help?
eurisd_wjmu0m chapel News Australia, Perth, Renewable City, Renewable energy, Smart city, Solar energy, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Sustainable infrastructure, Urban design, Urban planning
31 October 2018. St George’s Terrace, Perth, Australia
Prof. Peter Droege will set out the global context on how rapidly the world is moving towards low carbon living. In collaboration with CUSP researchers, the Forum will also present the city of Perth’s efforts in demonstrating real leadership in the next economy.
Demonstrated through single houses, medium density precincts, local governments, industrial precincts, schools and university campuses, the CRCLCL’s research has grown into national studies and international projects as Perth‘s low carbon innovations have been recognized.
This National Forum will celebrate the latest research accomplished through the CRCLCL and Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute and their national partnerships.
Read the Renewable City Paper
Watch the Presentation